The path you follow is your path.
The effect you achieve is your cause.
The seed you sow is your fruit.
The fruit that you harvest is your seed.


David Wared


Food and more

SELf supply The supply of residents in a City of Peace is based on a versatile production and distribution system. Self-sufficiency from gardens and roof gardens, internal and external organic farming, small businesses and workshops on one side, organic supermarket with bistro, corner shop, Fairtrade department store, market hall and swap shops on the other side.

sustaining Food is based on the Extended Humanity. All existence is equally dignified and has equal rights. That's why the alimentation in the City of Peace is vegetarian. All food production preserves the earth and the organisms living in it and on it. This results in a lasting positive ecological, economic, health and social impact.

NATURal PRODUcTs Mainly fresh goods are processed, avoiding large stocks. The focus is on the use of natural products from the surrounding area, including the reactivation of proven food and healing products. Any form of overproduction is avoided, even within the meal preparation process. Cooking is done as needed, either for the community in canteens and restaurants or individually at home.

FAIR trade Further daily necessities such as furniture, clothing, household goods and tools come from local workshops, or find their way into the City of Peace through Fair Trade. Laundries and launderettes are available for the efficient and environmentally friendly cleaning of clothing.

creative opportunities The City of Peace offers a lot of space for arts and crafts as a creative way of human expression. Service is always devotional acts with the aim of common welfare.

REDUced ELEcTROSMOG The radio wave exposure in a City of Peace is kept as low as possible, especially in areas of recreation and therapy. The media supply is largely wired (telephone, Internet, file sharing, radio and TV).

Service has to do with effort.
Serving has to do with bliss.


David Wared